News — coloring

Art and Stillness

Art therapy coloring coloring book journal Quotes Relax teacher

Art and Stillness

"Art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos... an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction." –Saul Bellow My daughter found this quote in a book I gave to her called 1001 Ways to Slow Down. {You can find the book here 1,001 Ways to Slow Down: A Little Book of Everyday Calm} She shared it with me knowing I'd like it. I love this quote just as it is, but I couldn’t help but dissect and analyze it. Maybe that's the teacher in me. So come along with me…   Achievement: creation,...

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Why do we Procrastinate the Fun Things in Life?

coloring paint painting procrastinate progress winter

Why do we Procrastinate the Fun Things in Life?

I love painting! I look forward to sitting down in front of my newest project and experiencing the excitement I feel as the picture takes on the characteristics of the photo that I am using as a reference. I love adding colors and textures to my paintings to make the image my own. I actually have to force myself to stop when I’ve run out of time to work on it each day. So why do I have such a difficult time getting started with a new project?

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Mother's Day & the End of my School Year

coloring coloring book doodle journal Etsy Holiday Coupon Holidays journal Mother's Day Mother's Day Gift school year summer teacher

Mother's Day & the End of my School Year

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it’s been since January since I last wrote a blog post! It has been a crazy school year and things are finally wrapping up. I have about 14 days left of my school year… not that I am counting or anything. And I have very mixed feelings about this school year coming to an end. I love summer and I am so excited about this summer. Relaxing at my beautiful home, painting more with pastels, making more products to bring to you all, playing with my grand-kids, visiting my family in Southern California, Disneyland,...

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